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Boum will gladly pay for free Ground shipping for every order via UPS or USPS depending on the order. However, should you return an item, the cost of shipping will be deducted from your total refund. Every item shipped out of our warehouse is fully insured by UPS or USPS. Orders outside the 48 continental States require Second Day or Next Day Air service. APO or FPO address requires United States Postal Service Shipment (USPS) Option. Delivery time via Ground can range from 1 to 6 business days. Please view the provided map for transit time estimation. All items are shipped insured. Note that air and ground shipping times are measured in business days. Next Day Saturday delivery option is available only in the United States.
You will receive a shipping tracking number via email when your order is shipped from our warehouse. Parcel tracking info is available online at UPS. United States Postal Service shipments can be tracked at USPS.
All orders qualify for free shipping will be shipped at no cost to you via ground delivery. We do reserve the option of determining the specific shipping method.
Boum provides insurance coverage for every item we ship out.
Orders destined for delivery in the United States, however outside of the 48 Contiguous States (eg; Hawaii, Alaska, APO and FPO addresses) will be shipped via ground delivery. APO or FPO strictly require us to ship via the US Postal Service.
Your order will be processed during normal business hours. Tracking will be available within 48 hours of shipment.
Service Delivery Schedule Cost per Shipment
Economy 4-7 day transit time
Monday - Saturday FREE
Standard 4 day transit time
Monday - Saturday $9.99
3-Day Service 3 day transit time
Monday - Friday $16.25
2-Day Service 2 day transit time
Monday - Friday $22.75
Expedited 1 day transit time
Monday - Friday $32.95
Locations Cost per Shipment
Canada $29.99
Europe $44.99
Asia, Australia $49.99
Outside US, EUR, CA, Asia $59.99
UPS does not deliver to PO Boxes, APO, or FPO addresses. Please select the United States Postal option for APO and FPO addresses.
Air and ground shipment time frames are in business days only, and exclude weekends and/or holidays. For example: You ship a package on Monday that takes 2 business days to arrive. You do not count the day you ship as a business day, so your package would arrive on Wednesday, the second business day after the ship date.
Weekend deliveries are valid only if; the Next Day Air Saturday delivery option is selected, and the package will be shipped to a domestic location.
If a shipped order was lost or damaged, UPS or USPS must conduct an investigation. Please contact Boum to initiate a tracer within 10 business days of the item shipping from our warehouse. If the package is not located, UPS and USPS will process a claim for the package. Claims can take two weeks to process. When the carrier claims responsibility for the loss or damage of your shipped item(s), insurance reimbursement will be issued to Boum and the replacement item(s) will be shipped out. If the item(s) is no longer available, and a similar item is not wanted, Boum will gladly refund your original payment.
If there are any noticeable discrepancies with your item when your order is received, or if the item is different than what was ordered, please contact Bertha within 5 days of receipt of your shipment to make any corrections. If the item received is different than what was ordered, please Boum within 5 days of receipt of your order. Product discrepancies not notified to Boum within 5 days may not be replaced. If your item is defective please contact us within 5 days of receipt of your shipment. Please note: Errors in descriptive, typographic, pricing and/or image representation are subject to correction.
Please read our International Shipping section for International shipping problems.
In the unlikely event that goods are received with damaged packaging, such as outer boxes, cases, instructions, manuals, etc. Boum reserves the right to replace the original packaging of products sold herein. Boum cannot guarantee a replacement of the manufacturer’s original packaging.